Welcome To Our School...
At Gardeners Rd PS every staff member inspires students to reach their full potential and guide them towards being lifelong learners. The wellbeing of our students is a priority and our programs embed the expectations of resilience, kindness, responsibility and success for all.
Our commitment to the community is to ensure our students are taught explcitly with enthusiasm and passion to enable them to reach their goals.
We will continue to develop and enhance a school that:
- Focuses on the development of the whole child
- Strives for the highest academic standards
- Reflects the values of its community
- Has a personalised curriculum for each child
- Involves the community in learning
- Develops true partnerships that value each child
To achieve these goals, our School Improvement Plan has outlined three clear strategic directions for 2021-2024:
1. Student growth and attainment
2. Collaboration and Partnerships
3. Wellbeing
We have a wonderful school with a welcoming, supportive and involved parent community, dedicated and highly skilled staff, excellent resources and buildings, and students who are resepctful, kind and keen to participate and learn.
If you would like to know more about our school, you can download our School Improvement Plan from this website.
Mrs Diane Bambridge, Principal